Ch-ch-ch- ch- changes!

It's a new year at last, the one before it was full of some pretty tough challenges for me and my business and I am happy to have learned the lessons I have and to move forwards into 2019.

I have thought long and hard about what I would like Bonnie Bling to become and have decided that this year I'm going to change the way that I run the business. Although I can't predict the future I would like to get better at controlling my time, setting boundaries for work and home, spending time with my husband and daughter and also planning workshop time to spend with my customers. And of course, keeping the main Bonnie Bling online store ticking over with the original and new ideas too!

I want to take the Bonnie Bling workshops on a wee tour around Scotland so I can meet more of you! Where would you like me to come visit? Where have you been on workshops before that you think I should come and try? Would love to hear your recommendations!

Part of becoming more flexible with my work means that I am going to relocate my workspace to a space nearer where I live. This will reduce the amount of time spent rushing around between Finnieston and kiddo pickups and should give me a nice peaceful place to create. I will miss the wee pink studio and shopfront but this is a really positive step that will provide me with more space to create and make, and allow me more freedom to choose how and when I work.

Finally, I have set myself a new project! I am going to relaunch the Bonnie Bling subscription box later in the year. There will be one final box in it's current form and then there will be a break for a couple of months while I get things in place for the launch of 'Inspiring Scottish Women'.

It's going to be a journey to uncover amazing Scottish women that I will research and turn my findings into a Zine, a resource of women's projects, and a limited edition piece of lasercut jewellery for every box inspired by that box's theme.

It's going to be an inspiring 12 month journey with 6 boxes in total and I can't wait to get started! Who would you like to see featured from past and present? Who are your favourite Inspiring Scottish Women?




Jane McActon:

Elsie Inglis suffragist and Doctor, Mary Seacole heroine of the Crimean War and nurse, Mary Barbour tenant who led Glasgow Rent Strikes

May 08, 2019

Patricia West:

Good luck in all your new Ventures. It would be great if you could come to Lanark. Lanark Community Development Trust and the Lanark Tolbooth both have great spaces for workshops.

May 08, 2019

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